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The high drive speed and acceleration guarantee top scanning performance
If you want more information, check our dedicated section for the STRATO-Active series in our webshop, where you can find all the variations:
This universal geometrical measuring software delivers high-performance multidimensional measurements. With the ability to control your workpiece from design to completion, its various functions make GEOPAK one of the most powerful programs available.
Remote machine monitoring
• Collects and visualizes operational status data
• Supports MT Connect communication
A 3D model created from the provided gear specifications enables you to visually and easily check whether measurement will be performed as intended. Furthermore, automatic program creation and on-screen measurement guidance help quick and easy setting of the coordinate system.
Conduct preventive maintenance through CMM status monitoring
CNC Coordinate Measuring Machine Server
Output information:
• Slideway distance traveled
• Temperature log
• Number of probe inputs
• Other selectable information
Preventive maintenance through status monitoring
The SURFTEST PROBE is a highly sensitive detector for measuring surface roughness using a CNC coordinate measuring machine. This new probe provides the ability to perform combined, automatic measurement of dimension, surface roughness on one machine at one setup.
CAT1000S precisely compares solid bent surfaces with their desired setpoint entries from CAD data. The measurement results are then displayed in easily interpreted graphics with sections color-coded based on nonconformances.
CAT1000P puts an end to laborious data input, significantly reducing the difficulty of measurement task programming in GEOPAK. With just a few mouse clicks, all data for measuring parts and tolerance testing can be taken from CAD models
A lightweight, high-performance, non-contact probe developed for CNC coordinate measuring machines
MSURF-S is used for obtaining measured point cloud data with the SurfaceMeasure (non-contact laser probe), while
MSURF-I is used for comparing this data with the master model data, and for making dimensional measurements. Furthermore, MSURF-G for offline teaching allows the user to create a measurement macro even without the actual workpiece, improving the measuring machine's uptime.
Automatically transfer measurement results into a SQL database directly available for monitoring, analysis, or reporting in real-time with MeasurLink. Available in several modules offering you a wide range of solutions, these can be combined for a license package best suited to your needs.
Quantitatively determine your desired contour and reflect this in the production process directly for optimizing workpieces right away thanks to SCANPAK.
<Automatic measurement program generation software for CMMs>
This software package dramatically reduces part-programming creation time by automatically generating the part program. Tolerance information from a 3D CAD model is read to determine which features of the part should be measured to verify conformance to specification. Compared to conventional methods (teaching), this method creates more-efficient measurement programs, saving time and money.
This probe automatically detects edges from image data of the workpiece magnified by a CCD camera. It is extremely useful for measuring microfabricated products that cannot be measured using a contact-type probe and soft objects that cannot be subjected to any measurement force.
This is a compact, high-accuracy, multi-function scanning probe with a 25-mm outside diameter that makes scanning measurements, high-accuracy point measurements, and centripetal point measurements
(optional function). The SP25M is used with the PH10MQ/10M auto probe head to provide a high degree of measurement freedom.
Automotive Industry
E-drive units for EV and FCV
Semiconductor Industry
Semiconductor manufacturing equipment
Medical Industry
Surgical robotic systems
Gear Measurement With STRATO Active and MRT320
Software: GEARPAK Express, MCOSMOS
Probe System: PH10MQ, SP25
Work piece: Spur Gears Made from Stainless Steel, with One-Sided Hub, Module 4, Tooth Width 40mm
4-axis nominal Scanning of a turbine blade surface
Software: MCOSMOS
Probe System: PH10MQ, SP25
Work piece: Mitutoyo Demo piece
Laser scanning with SurfaceMeasure 201FS
Model | STRATO-ACTIVE 776 | STRATO-ACTIVE 7106 | STRATO-ACTIVE 9106 | STRATO-ACTIVE 9166 | ||||||||||
Measuring range | X axis | 700 mm | 700 mm | 900 mm | 900 mm | |||||||||
Y axis | 700 mm | 1000 mm | 1000 mm | 1600 mm | ||||||||||
Z axis | 600 mm | 600 mm | 600 mm | 600 mm |
Series | Prove used | Lenth measurement error*(1) ISO 10360-2:2009 |
700/900 Series | SP25M | E0,MPE=1.2+3L/1000*(2) |
*1 Specifications vary by configuration, size and thermal environment
*2 L=Measuring Length (unit: mm)